How to change Gboard theme, sound, vibration on Android and iOS

The theme of Gboard, sounds, and vibrates can be a changed in Android and iOS gadgets.

Note: When the vibrations settings in your gadgets are off, your keyboard vibration settings will be disabled.


 The steps involved in changing the Gboard theme, sound, or vibration in Android are:

How to change the Gboard theme

Note: These steps would not work if your gadget uses Go edition.

Note: In Android 7.0 these steps will work.

You can give keyboard wallpaper like a picture or a colour:

  1. On Android Smartphone, start the Setting app.
  2. Press System.
  3. Go to Language & input.
  4. Press Virtual Keyboard.
  5. Click Gboard option.
  6. Press Theme.
  7. Select a theme. Then press Apply.

How to change Gboard sounds & vibration

To check whether your gadget makes sounds or vibrations, and how much loud it is, follow these steps:

  1. On your Android Smartphones, download Gboard.
  2. Start the Setting app.
  3. Press system.
  4. Go to Language & input.
  5. Press Virtual keyboard.
  6. Click Gboard option.
  7. Press Preferences.
  8. Move forward to “Keypress”.
  9. Select an option. Take an example:
  • Sound on keypress.
  • Volume on keypress.
  • Haptic feedback on keypress.
  • Vibration strength on keypress.

The steps involved in changing the Gboard theme, sound, or vibration in iOS are:

Note: In iOS Gboard is available.

How to change the Gboard theme   

You can add a keyboard wallpaper like a picture or a colour:

  1. On iOS, download Gboard.
  2. Press Gboard.
  3. Go to Themes.
  4. Select a theme or images.

How does it work on iPhones

  1. On iOS device, download Gboard.
  2. Start the Gboard app.
  3. Press Gboard.
  4. Go to Keyboard settings.
  5. Options like Glide typing or Voice message turn on.


Carl Smith is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at

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